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Forum Posts

Moshe Moeller, Ph.D.
Nov 03, 2024
In General Discussion
I’m always torn at every election, not necessarily because my vote will make a difference in the presidential election in NY state, but because we live in more right-wing community and work in and/or practice in a more liberal-leaning field of psychology. If you share this feeling, how do you work through the cognitive dissonance?
Moshe Moeller, Ph.D.
Nov 03, 2024
In General Discussion
Can anyone outline the steps on how to get licensed in Florida for telehealth after being licensed in NY?
Moshe Moeller, Ph.D.
Sep 13, 2024
In General Discussion
Moshe Moeller, Ph.D.
Sep 13, 2024
In General Discussion
Moshe Moeller, Ph.D.
Jul 17, 2024
In General Discussion
Listserv, Website, WhatsApp AOJP accepts no responsibility for the opinions and information posted on this site by others. AOJP seeks to foster a supportive, collegial listserv environment.   List of Rules Rule 1: Do not use the forum for illegal purposes, including, but not limited to, defamation, violation of intellectual property laws, violation of antitrust or unfair competition laws or violation of criminal laws. This includes violations of copyright laws.  Rule 2: Do not intentionally interfere with or disrupt other forum members, network services, or network equipment. Commercial use is prohibited, as is distribution of unsolicited advertising, chain letters, propagation of computer worms or viruses, and use of the network to make unauthorized entry into any other machine accessible via the Listserv. Rule 3: Do not use the Forum for commercial purposes. "Commercial” as used for purposes of evaluating listserv messages means communications whose primary purpose is to advance the business or financial interests of any person or entity, or otherwise to promote a financial transaction for the benefit of the author directly or indirectly. Examples of prohibited communications include advertisements for products or services or direct solicitations of listserv members to purchase products or services. Examples of messages that may be of financial benefit to listserv members and are allowed because they do not inure to the financial benefit of the author include news of job listings or position openings, or discussion of professionally-related products or services where the list serve member conveying the information is not in the business of selling the products or services. Announcements that provide useful professional information to the list serve members but may also have some incidental commercial benefit to the sender (e.g. an author who is a list member merely advising the list of publication of a professional book) typically would not be "commercial" for purposes of this restriction. AOJP members are able to market their services on “Marketing Mondays” and also post on the website’s Job Board.  Rule 4: Do not use the forum to recruit for personal or other professional services that may divert AOJP members or that may detract from AOJP’s mission. Ideas that are brought up within the AOJP forums, which are aligned with AOJP’s mission and include participation from other psychologists or psychology students, should be kept within the AOJP community.  Rule 5: Do not use this forum for any communication that could be construed in any way as support for or opposition to any candidate for a federal, state or local public office.  Rule 6: "Personal reflections" upon other members, no matter how serious their differences over policy questions, is prohibited. Common courtesy and respect, which excludes personal attacks or criticism, must be observed. Rule 7: Postings should pertain to psychologists and psychological issues, and not to issues unrelated to psychology. Messages exhorting listserv members to advocate for issues that are not on AOJP's agenda (e.g., minimum wage, Amnesty International, COVID issues, etc.) are not to be placed on AOJP’s listserv, no matter how worthy the cause. Rule 8: Communications should be oriented towards increasing the knowledge base of psychologists. The listserve is a forum for sharing information and community building. It is a place where differences of opinion can be aired, however, with courtesy and respect. Rule 9: Only AOJP members are allowed to use the messaging board and marketing opportunities.  Rule 10: Posts that solicit survey responses from members or the community are required to include the IRB protocol or provide a link to view the protocol to maintain a safe and ethical environment.  Sanctions for Violations of Rules AOJP does not undertake editorial control of postings. However, in the event that any inappropriate posting is brought to the attention of the Networking Committee, the committee may take the following action. 1. The committee head will send a warning directly to the violator, with a reminder of the rules, and an explanation of the violation. 2. In the case of a second violation, the committee head will inform the violator of the nature of the infraction, and inform said violator that a third violation will result in suspension from the listserve for six months. 3. In the case of a third violation, the committee head will ask the offending party to unsubscribe from the list voluntarily within ten days. If this action does not occur within the specified time, AOJP’s Networking Committee reserves the right to remove the violator from the list. After a person has been suspended from the list for six months, the member will be eligible to resubscribe. A re-application for listserv privileges will be made to the Networking Committee. Re-application does not guarantee immediate reinstatement. If reinstated, the prior offenses will be disregarded, and the violation procedure will start again. If not reinstated, the rationale for the decision will be sent to the member.  4. If the Networking Committee is unable to, or is unsure of how to handle any particular situation, the Executive Committee may step in to make final decisions.  Removal from listserv: In the unlikely event that anyone posts something unkind, judgmental, offensive, and/or inappropriate, the listserv moderating team has the option to either warn that person or, if need be, remove them from the listserv. Depending on the “offense,” they will almost certainly be allowed to rejoin, if and as appropriate repairs are made…to any person(s) harmed and to the listserv, itself. Listserv Etiquette Please send a message to introduce yourself. For your introduction, you might note your name, professional affiliation, where you live or practice, why you joined the list, and any requests or questions you might have. • Try to keep your messages concise and to the point. • For WhatsApp, please sign each of your messages if you do not have your name public on your profile. For emails, please include your email address, so that we can communicate a response to you. Most email software includes a signature option that automatically generates this information. • If you utilize your e-mail software program that repeats (quotes) the message to which you are responding, please do not repeat any part of the message which is not essential in order to save considerable space (bandwidth) for everyone who receives your message. • Diversity is our goal. The more diverse (and emotionally supportive and safe) our community, the stronger and healthier it will be.  We work to be humble and receptive.   • Be mindful about confidentiality. The litmus test is that if you are writing a question about a client and they happen to read it, would they recognize themselves? If the answer is yes, then you need to make the question more veiled and global. • Be inclusive, generous, and considerate when posting. Give each other the benefit of the doubt. Assign positive intent to each other whenever possible. Zero bullying, zero shaming/blaming, name calling from anyone. Find that chord that is both kind and true, engaged and vulnerable, loving and imperfect. If you wouldn’t say it to someone’s face, don’t say it online. • Give more than you take from this group. This means that you can advertise your workshop, class, or job posting on the designated days, BUT/AND you tend to avoid drive-by marketing and work to contribute to the listserv by asking or answering questions. • Please do not take screenshots or share posts outside of the AOJP community. Think of it like the group rule of, “What is said in the group, stays in this group.” • When seeking a referral, include the word “REFERRAL” or “ISO" (in search of) in the subject line followed by the location, i.e. "REFERRAL: San Francisco - for family” or “ISO: NYC - EFT therapist for young woman in college.” If we use “REFERRAL” OR “ISO,” it will make it much easier for folks to quickly delete unwanted emails. Email Listserv vs. WhatsApp Posting  Please be mindful on which platform you choose to post. In general, WhatsApp is reserved for smaller posts, whereas the Email Listserv is dedicated to longer posts and discussion threads.  WhatsApp Posts: • Quick questions about resources  • Networking • Referrals  Email Listserv Posts: • Discussion questions  • Job and Postdoc postings  • Trainings  • Updates in the psychology field
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