AOJP is a community of Orthodox Jewish psychologists and psychology doctoral students who provide support, knowledge, and resources to each other, the Orthodox Jewish community, and other mental health professionals. We believe that everyone deserves access to good mental healthcare and should have accurate information about psychology and mental health.
Who We Are
Our Mission
The Association of Orthodox Jewish Psychologists (AOJP) is a professional organization intended to promote the growth and advancement of Orthodox Jewish psychology doctoral students, clinicians, academics, and researchers in order to serve both these individuals and the Orthodox Jewish public. This organization also provides members with a forum to address the unique role of psychology within the Orthodox Jewish community.
Our Goals
AOJP’s goals are to provide a professional and supportive environment for Orthodox Jewish psychologists and doctoral students to develop and promote their professional careers alongside others with shared values and challenges; to promote the advancement of evidence-based practice, empirical research, and psychological assessment focused on the Orthodox Jewish community; to provide quality psychological training and networking through conferences, continuing education courses, and social events; to highlight the importance of psychology and psychologists within the Orthodox Jewish community; to support diversity and inclusion for its members and the community; and to partner with other agencies, rabbis, community leaders, and other experts in the field.
Our Values
AOJP is a professional and growth-oriented organization dedicated to serving its members and the Orthodox Jewish community with high-quality services. AOJP started as a group for doctoral students, so providing mentorship and training for psychology students will always be a core value and focus. Torah, Hashkafah, and Halacha, together with psychological theory and research, guide our decisions, consultations, and practice.
Research by Our Members
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Help us support Orthodox Jewish providers and empower members of the Orthodox Jewish community who are seeking services.
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